GS Watch Crystals

Insist on GS, The Original, Still the Best
Esslinger and Company has 48 different watch crystal styles in over 8,000 sizes in stock. These GS crystals fit many different watch brands and models, from classic watches and retro watches to the latest designer models. In the 1920's GS created a unique numbering and measuring system specifically for their plastic watch crystals, this is important to know because their measuring system does not match up with millimeter system. When you are ordering new GS watch crystals, you need to specify whether you are ordering in the GS system or in millimeters. To see how the GS round crystal sizes differ from one system to the other, please check out our GS conversion chart [PDF].

Once you know the correct GS stock number, you can order GS plastic watch crystals online through Esslinger with the stock number below the image-for example: CC 343. Simply click on the correct watch crystal style below and enter your stock number in the box. Please see the GS watch catalog for a complete, sequential reference guide with actual size images of each crystal and the exact, alphanumeric ID numbers.

Click Here for Our GS Watch Crystal Catalog

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